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What We Do

Penguin are uniquely placed to protect your family assets. We offer a wide variety of different trust structures at Penguin Tax Planning.

Why Use Trusts?

Trusts are multi-functional, they allow people to control their assets through the generations, provide clear direction and critically keep assets within the bloodline.

Wills & Intestacy

People who die without a valid will, or intestate, leave costs and complications to their loved ones and often lose thousands of pounds in what may be avoidable Inheritance Tax.

Inheritance Tax Calculator

People who die without a valid will, or intestate, leave costs and complications to their loved ones and often lose thousands of pounds in what may be avoidable Inheritance Tax.

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Following purchasing our first home and setting up a business, my husband and I were pleased to meet with Penguin and benefit from their expertise. Penguin have been helping us in recent months to put in place the necessary financial and legal structures to protect us and our business as it continues to grow. We have found them to be friendly and approachable, and they have listened to our desires and needs throughout the process. They are knowledgeable and trustworthy, and really took the time to get to know us and our hopes for the future. We look forward to working with Penguin for many years to come!


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